Searching for answers? Try this.

Recently I've noticed a lot of Facebook posts and blog comments that go like this:

"I've seen a bunch of doctors, but none of the drugs they've given me have helped. There's nothing left to try. I'm desperate for answers. I have an appointment next week with a specialist. That's my last hope."

While I'm sad to see others struggling, I can certainly relate. After I was diagnosed with gastroparesis, I spent a long, long time searching for an "answer." Someone or something that would make me feel better. I hung my hopes on dozens of doctors, tried all kinds of meds, had countless tests, spent weeks at the Mayo Clinic, shelled out money we didn't have on alternative treatments and supposed "miracle" supplements.

Five years later, I was exhausted, in debt, and sicker than ever. I felt hopeless and helpless, not in control of my health or my life. Maybe you feel that way right now?

Well, here's the thing: there was something that I hadn't tried yet. Something that put me at least somewhat in control of how I felt. And four year later, that something remains the best "answer" I've found for alleviating GP symptoms and improving over all well-being.

In the video above, I talk about what it was that worked so well for me and the many people I've worked with.  I'll also give you some tips to put it to work for you. The "answer," for me and for the vast majority of those I've worked with, comes down to consistent, intentional self-care.

The lifestyle choices we make each day have a significant impact on how we feel.... and that's good news. It means we have far more control over our symptoms than we often think. It also means we have more agency than we may want to admit sometimes. .Is prioritizing self-care easier than taking a pill every day? I think most people would say no. But I promise you it's worth it, especially since there is no magic pill for gastroparesis. But good self-care makes every part of your management plan more effective, and improves all aspects of your physical and mental health, including your digestion.

What is self-care?

Basically, it's anything you do for yourself with the intention of improving or restoring your well-being. For those with gastroparesis, self-care might include:

  • addressing stress, trauma, and/or anxiety

  • regular mild to moderate physical activity

  • nutrient-rich GP-friendly meals

  • adequate high-quality sleep

as well as...

  • respecting your limitations

  • making your health a priority

  • surrounding yourself with supportive people

  • doing things that bring you joy

  • focus on areas of life other than gastroparesis


Review: Orgain


Understanding Gastroparesis for Loved Ones