Quick Tip: Easy Breakfast Away from Home

Breakfast is often the easiest meal for those with GP to eat at a restaurant. However much of the time, the meal is high in carbs and/or sugar and low in nutrition (think pancakes, waffles, toast, bagels). But on my recent cruise, I rediscovered an easy way to enjoy a healthier breakfast away from home.

One morning I wanted something other than my typical MacroBar or Orgain and banana, so I headed to the buffet. I initially put a scoop of scrambled eggs and a piece of lukewarm white toast on my plate. Meh. Then I saw the hot cereal station, with both cream of wheat and oatmeal, and got very excited.

I grabbed a small bowl of oatmeal, sprinkled a bit of brown sugar on the top and headed back to our table (though it's higher in fiber, I tolerate oatmeal in limited quantities from time to time; your mileage may vary). In my bag I happened to have a one-tablespoon packet of Barney Butter Smooth Almond Butter and a pouch of pureed bananas. I mixed it all together and enjoyed a bowl of almond butter and banana deliciousness. Because I was prepared with extra GP-friendly staples, I was able to have a satisfying GP-friendly breakfast.

So here's my tip: if you're going to be eating breakfast away from home, simply bring along some pureed fruit ("baby food" is the most practical and portable) and some nut butter and then order hot cereal of your choice. You could also opt for sliced bananas over fruit puree and/or add whatever additional fruit you tolerate. (I do well with strawberries.) Be sure to ask for a small bowl to mix your serving in, as restaurants usually serve hot cereal in huge quantities.

It’ll be a more nutrient-rich, well-balanced meal than a short stack of pancakes… and probably more satisfying, too!


Review: MacroBars


Life is about More Than Gastroparesis