GP-Friendly Banana "Ice Cream"

Look at most gastroparesis diet plans and you're likely to see ice cream and frozen yogurt listed as "recommended."  Yes, they're semi-liquid and therefore digest quickly, but let's be honest.  They don’t add much in the way of nutrition.

Your body doesn’t function properly without proper nourishment, so those with gastroparesis in particular need to focus on maximizing the nutrition in meals and snack.  That means having ice cream and frozen yogurt as supplemental treats -- not everyday meals or snacks.

Thankfully, there's an alternative that's GP-friendly and offers your body some good nutrition.  What's more, there's only one ingredient:  a banana. Skeptical?  I was, too.  But I'm telling you, this stuff is good. It has the consistency of real soft serve ice cream and a pleasant, not overwhelming, banana flavor.


  • One banana -- peeled, sliced and frozen


  1. Place frozen banana slices into a food processor or Vitamix.

  2. Process for several minutes*, until the banana looks like soft serve ice cream.

*Initially, your bananas will look more like Dippin' Dots than soft serve.  Just keep going.

Peanut Butter "Ice Cream" Variation: add 1/2 tablespoon of creamy natural peanut butter during processing (adds 4 grams of fat and less than 1 gram of fiber).


Personal Update: Seven Years


Walking to Manage Gastroparesis