Karyn’s Living WELL Story

There’s a common misconception that gastroparesis cannot or does not get better.  The fact is, it can and often does. I’ve received countless emails and messages from people who were diagnosed with gastroparesis, some of whom were VERY sick, whose experience has dramatically improved or even resolved.  I’ve decided to share some of these stories — exactly as written, with permission — to illustrate that it IS possible to truly live WELL after a GP diagnosis.

These stories are meant to illustrate the dynamic nature of a gastroparesis diagnosis. They are not meant as medical advice or a template for your own healing.  Each person’s journey toward living well and/or getting well is unique. However, having worked with hundreds of people with gastroparesis, there are certainly common themes and practices that you’ll notice again and again. 

Karyn’s Story

Hi Crystal,

I wanted to write you again to update you. My life has done a complete turnaround with your help. In fact, it’s almost emotional reading my initial email to you because I remember being SO miserable and hopeless.

I now have no symptoms of GP. Not only was the diet that my doctor put me on was not working, but I felt like it was making me worse. I started reading books like “The Kitchen Cure“, “Eat the Yolks“, “Mind Over Medicine” and “The Paleo Approach.” After I stopped the typical GP diet, I cut out everything processed and only ate foods that were organic and natural. It was pretty much a paleo diet.  I literally started feeling better within two weeks. It’s incredible to me how much better I feel, because I thought there was no way I would ever get life as I knew it, back.

In addition to the new diet, I meditate daily and get acupuncture every couple of months (I went more frequently to begin with).

I wanted to write because you have mentioned that there aren’t a lot of “success stories” because those people are out living their lives, and that’s exactly what I am doing. Hope this finds you well and thank you for everything that you do.


I checked in with Karyn 1 year later to see if she was still doing well… 

Thank you so much for reaching out! I’m doing great! I never thought that I would get to a point in my life again that didn’t involve gastroparesis.

While mine was idiopathic and the doctors said it could eventually go away, the truth of the matter was, they didn’t know for sure. In fact, all they could tell me without a doubt, is that I had it. It was pretty alarming how little is known about it, and especially terrifying when you’re going by through it!!I’m convinced that had I followed the plan and diet that they laid out, I would probably still be sick.

I still follow your page on Facebook and want you to know, that what you’re doing for people that are facing this, is wonderful!



Molly’s Living WELL Story


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