Samantha's Living WELL Story

When we started working together, Samantha was overwhelmed by all of things she thought she had to do to manage gastroparesis. In this chat, she shares how a simple insight changed her entire experience -- even as her physical symptoms stayed mostly the same. In her words, "Before I was just existing... now I feel like I'm actually living."

As you probably know, I spent a decade as a Certified Health Coach specializing in gastroparesis management. I wrote books like Eating for Gastroparesis and Living (Well!) with Gastroparesis and helped people build comprehensive management plans and gastroparesis-friendly diet plans.

While this work improved the lives of thousands of people with gastroparesis around the world, it was an outside-in approach that only went so far. People were feeling better physically but still suffering from having gastroparesis. I was still suffering from having gastroparesis! What changed everything for me, and has changed everything for clients like Samantha, was a very different approach... one that comes from the inside out.

I really believe that freedom from the suffering around gastroparesis is possible for -- and available to -- everyone... regardless of the severity of symptoms or how long you've had the condition. That's what I'll be focusing on here and in my work for now on.

All of the practical information, the symptom management tips and strategies, it's all here and will continue to be available to you.  But in my experience, this inside-out understanding is the missing piece. I hope you'll come along as we explore what the inside-out approach to living WELL with gastroparesis is and where freedom really comes from.


Are You Trying Too Hard to Manage GP?


Personal Update: Sixteen Years with Gastroparesis